
Impacted Wisdom Teeth and Gum Disease

Impacted wisdom teeth, if left untreated, can create an increased risk for gum disease and other future complications with your oral health. For this reason, your dentist may recommend removing your impacted wisdom teeth, even if they may not be bothering you, as a precautionary measure. If you are worried you may have impacted wisdom teeth, consider reaching out to Dr. Ryan Ulibarri of Ulibarri Family Dentistry to treat your wisdom teeth in Fort Collins, CO.

What Does "Impacted" Mean?

For starters, wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that grow in for most people in their late teens or early twenties. However, it is common for wisdom teeth to grow in at awkward angles, or only partially break through the gums. When wisdom teeth only partially break through the gums or are trapped beneath the gums, this is referred to as impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause problems because the small opening in the gums where the tooth is erupting can allow for bacteria to surround the tooth or become trapped beneath the gums. This can cause infection, tooth decay, and even gum disease if left untreated.

Risk of Gum Disease

Many people wonder how impacted wisdom teeth can increase your risk for gum disease. Since wisdom teeth are located far back in your mouth, they can become difficult to reach and therefore difficult to properly clean when they become impacted.

While most teeth and gums can avoid a build-up of bacteria with regular flossing and brushing, impacted wisdom teeth may not be able to stay properly cleaned due to their hard-to-reach location. Therefore, bacteria can become trapped below the gum line and cause inflammation, leading to one type of gum disease called gingivitis.

Another type of gum disease, pericoronitis, is caused when new gum tissue grows over the impacted wisdom tooth that has partially erupted. In Fort Collins, CO, wisdom teeth can be removed to avoid risks associated with impaction, including gum disease.

Get Treated For Impacted Wisdom Teeth Today

If you are unsure of the location or condition of your wisdom teeth, it may be beneficial to see your local dentist, Dr. Ryan Ulibarri of Ulibarri Family Dentistry, to make sure they are not impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can increase your risk for gum disease, which can be avoided with help from your dentist. For routine dental care or help with impacted wisdom teeth in Fort Collins, CO, give us a call today at (970) 224-5599.

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