
What To Do if You Have a Cavity

How your dentist in Fort Collins, CO can help when you have a cavity.

Cavities can sneak up on you. Tooth pain may be the first thing you notice. You may also notice a small brown spot on your tooth. The truth is, you can also have a cavity and not know it, which is why regular visits to your dentist for an exam and x-rays are so important.

Dr. Ryan Ulibarri at Ulibarri Family Dentistry in Fort Collins, CO can help repair cavities and make your smile whole again.

Cavities are caused by your oral bacteria mixing with the sugars in the foods you eat, producing an acid. This bacterial acid is strong enough to eat through tough tooth enamel, down through the layers underneath, causing a cavity.

If the cavity has penetrated only to the layer underneath the enamel, known as dentin, a filling may be all you need.

Dr. Ulibarri offers several materials to fill your cavity:

  • Composite, which is a tooth-colored material and the most aesthetically pleasing choice
  • Glass ionomer, which is also a tooth-colored filling, normally reserved for cavities on the root of a tooth

If the cavity is large and has destroyed considerable tooth structure, a dental crown may be the best choice. You can choose from:

  • A full porcelain crown, which is the most aesthetically pleasing option
  • A porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, which offers both aesthetics and superb strength

If the cavity has penetrated through to the innermost layer of your tooth, known as the pulp, you probably need a root canal.

If you think you have a cavity, don’t procrastinate. The earlier you seek out dental care, the better the outcome will be. Untreated cavities can lead to tooth loss and ruin your smile!

To find out more about cavities and tooth decay treatment, talk with an expert. Call Dr. Ryan Ulibarri of Ulibarri Family Dentistry in Fort Collins, CO at (970) 224-5599. Call today.

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